Saturday, November 14, 2015

Fairy Land

We woke up this morning to the tragic news from Paris. Our prayers are with that beautiful city that is so special to us. It was dark and rainy this morning; it seems fitting that the whole world is in mourning.

We were planning on posting this this morning anyway, but now it seem appropriate to escape to the beauty of God's creation and the innocence of children.


Shutterfly-in-the-Sky (Ainsley) and Rainbow Spots (Claire) gave us a tour of the Magic Fairyland
they discovered at Rondo Retreat in the Kakamega Rainforest. (All names and descriptions are theirs.

The stairway down is past Camp Leaftek, which is by the kitchen and the sausage trees.

Follow the steps of Ridgeway Path along the Muddy River to Cloud Rainbow House. There are a lot of goblets, and they make Cloud Bread.

Then past Gloomy Cave Pond...

...and through Moss Tree Valley...

...where the Art Studio is.

Then past the Goblin Moss Tree, where a baby goblin lives...

...and down the orange and grey wood steps.

Over the Mossy Bridge and the Leaf River.

Rushing Water Stream

The Little Tiny Waterfall

The Muddy Swamp

The Running River

Rocky River

Shallow Mud Pond


The Bridge of Rocks

The Grasslands

The Leaf Pond

The Attached Island

Fairy Fish Pond (where their pet fish Fluffy and Flower live)

Stick Bridge

Steps of the Green Forest

Wild Magic Tree

Rain Waterfall

Tree Stump House

The Woodshop, where they make baby toys.

Float Down Hill

Castle of the Fairy Queen (the knothole)

Mushroom Garden Bridge (tiny white mushrooms are growing on the side of the step that Ainsley is standing on)

The Spooky Goblin's Home

The Secret Bench

Mommy, Cecily, and our fairy guides.

We caught a spinning fairy on camera!

1 comment:

  1. Thank for the visit to Fairyland, it was magical! The photographer captured a rare fairy photo at the end! Love, Nana & Papa
