Sunday, December 6, 2015


Last week during the Thanksgiving weekend, we sat down as a family and wrote down some of the things that we are thankful for. This only begins to scratch the surface of all of the ways that we've been blessed, but it's a start.

A:  Art, Audrey, Ainsley, Aisha, apples, Arella
B:  Beauty, bread, bears, Big Blue (our car), Bouncing on the trampoline, being brave, biscuits, Mrs. Burr
C:  Claire, Cecily, community, cooking with my girls, cats, cheese, candles, chapter books, Christmas
D:  Doing things with my girls, discovering new places, dinosaurs, dollies, daddy
E:  Elephants (especially Dupotto), eggs that mommy bakes in cakes, eating good food, Eli
F:  Family, food we share with friends, Friday swimming, airy gardens, flowers
G:  Grass to run and play on, God's love, giving gifts, Giraffe Center, Grammie and Gramps, geckos, guards, generator
H:  our Home, hair ties, hippo boat rides, hanging "upsie down," having friends near and far
I:  Imaginations, I. Afrika, ice castles
J:  Jolly Jumper for Cecily, Jack-o-lanterns, daddy's job
K:  Kindergarten, Kaia, kangaroos, Kitanu, Kenya
L:  Laughing, love, Luke, "Lights!", lightning bugs, learning new things
M:  Monkey chasers, milk, Maisha House, Movies as a family, Mercy, Mosers, Malaika, monkey dinners, morning glories
N:  Ndizi (bananas), Naivasha, Nana, Nathaniel, Neamiah, neighbors
O:  Mrs. Onyango, Opie, ostriches
P:  Papa, poetry, pizza, PJs, puddles
Q:  Quiet times with our family
R:  Reading books together, rain
S:  Swimming lessons, singing, shukas, Swahili lessons, Stanslaus, sunny days, sisters
T:  Taytee, time together, treats (if we eat our food)
U:  Underwater swimming tricks, Uncle Jay
V:  Vacations, visitors, veggie garden
W:  Walking on the nature trail
X:  Xmas carols sung by our neighbors
Y:  Yellow birds (weaver birds)
Z:  Zipping along the zip line, zebras on the side of the road

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