Friday, January 3, 2020

2020, day 3. Sprouts! The apricot hollyhocks and bright lights cosmos won the race. One of our projects this Christmas break was to start seedlings... with help from my parents and our neighbors we now have *hundreds* of seeds stirring beneath a lamp in our garage. You know I love a good garden metaphor... so add your best one here! I personally love that it's the flowers, not the herbs or veggies, that burst forth first. Beauty peeking through dirt. Hope for a new year.

1 comment:

  1. Amy Stewart said in her book "From The Ground Up, The Story of a First Garden"- "If I had asked my neighbors at the time, they might have been able to tell me that gardening is about more than putting plants in the ground. When you set out to work on a garden, something surprising happens. The garden goes to work on you, too. In the process of bringing a patch of earth to life, your life is transformed." Not exactly a metaphor but very true. Love, Mom and Dad
