Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Letters from a California suburb: Letter 2/3

Dear BIPOC friends,

First off, let us say it loud and clear: Racism is WRONG.  Secondly, we stand with you; we love you and are here to listen and to fight for you.

For too long, we have operated under the assumption that you would know this through our actions. That you would see through the way we live day to day that we believe that ALL humans have inherent worth and ALL lives deserve dignity. But this is not enough. We value all experiences and believe that this world is a richer place because of it. We love you and your stories. You have so much to teach us and this world, and our lives would be poorer without you. But this is not enough. This is why it breaks our hearts to imagine your fear on a daily basis and the injustices you face trying to walk the same road.

This is not nearly enough. We were taught that the American Dream is true, that it’s alive and well. We worked hard under that assumption. Things have not always been easy, but the deck is far less stacked against us that it is for you. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for trusting us with your stories. This is an honor.

Exposure is so critical. Keep telling your stories! They help us empathize with your glorious humanity. Coming face to face with your experiences and emotions has been a hard, hard blessing.

Though it is absolutely not your job to educate us about these issues, thank you so much for the loving guidance, the gentle corrections, and the challenges that you have graciously given us as we strive to educate ourselves. Please keep asking us to do better!

In Solidarity,
Audrey and Kirk

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